
  1. Edgren, Sören. “Southern Song Printing at Hangzhou.” Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities Bulletin 61 (1989): 1–212.
  2. POON, MING-SUN. BOOKS AND PRINTING IN SUNG CHINA (960-1279). Doctoral Dissertation, The University of Chicago, 1979.
  3. 潘銘燊 ,《錢門立雪篇:中國圖書史論集》初文出版社有限公司 2023
  4. Daniel Fried, The First Print Era: The Rise of Print Culture in China’s Northern Song Dynasty (Routledge, 2024)
  5. 罗鹭, 《元代印刷文化与文学研究》 上海古籍出版社 2023年1月
  6. 于溯, 叱石成書:書籍史與宋代石學 《中華文史論叢》2024年第1期 提要:宋代學者在石學的表達和呈現形式上有過諸多思考和嘗試,其實踐的最終結果,就是形成了以《集古録》和《隸釋》爲代表的兩種不同的研究範式。這兩個範式的出現,也與書籍制度和椎拓技術的變化息息相關。
  7. 马楠, 唐宋官私目录研究 中西书局 2020: 本书以唐宋官私目录为研究对象,探究唐宋时期书籍产生、流传、复制、结集、散佚、整理、著录的基本情况;探究书籍的卷帙、载体等具体形态,丰富学界关于写本时代与刻本时代书籍目录的认知;还原、梳理唐宋时期书籍史的基本面貌与主要线索;总结官私目录撰作的基础与工作流程,还原结构复杂的史志目录的材料来源。力求突破目录学研究的固有范式,开展出目录学与版本学、书籍史相结合的新路径。
  8. 胡琦, 宋元理學家讀書法與「唐宋八大家」的經典化. 中國文哲研究集刊 52 (2018.3), 頁1-43.
  9. 艾朗諾, 同時閱讀蘇軾各種不同的文體 清華學報 第51卷 第二期 255-269: “宋代文人與唐代文人差異之一是宋代作品的數量增多,而且文體種類更豐富,包括宋代新興的各種文體──題跋、游行、雜記、詞、尺牘等不能說在唐代完全沒有,但到了宋代才有把那些文體編入作家的文集或全集的習慣。在南宋時,因刻本技術的發展,刻印文人的別集或全集更普遍。這樣的情況讓我們有機會探討在宋代以前稀有的現象:一個作家採用兩三種不同的文體描寫同一件事情時,內容是否不同。這篇文章以蘇軾 (1037-1101) 為例,研究這一現象。做這樣的研究後我們也許對東坡有更深刻的了解,尤其對其詩作的常規與習慣有新穎的見解。”
  10. 張高評(Kao-Ping Chang), 北宋讀詩詩與宋代詩學-從傳播與接受之視角初入 The Northern Song Dynasty’s Meta-poetry and Song Dynasty Poetics: From the Perspectives of Media and Acceptance 漢學研究 ; 24卷2期 (2006 / 12 / 01) , P191 – 223
  11. Ya-hwei Hsu 許雅惠,〈《至大重修宣和博古圖錄》的版印特點與流傳 (Transmission of the woodblocks of the Xuanhe bogu tu: a comparison of the imprints of the Yuan-dynasty edition)〉,《古今論衡》,第18期(2008),頁76-96。
  12. Ya-hwei Hsu 許雅惠, 〈宋、元《三禮圖》的版面形式與使用:兼論新舊禮器變革 (The Sanli tu during the Southern Song and Yuan periods: formats and functions in the context of emerging antiquarian type of ritual objects)〉,《臺大歷史學報》,第60期(2017),頁57-117。
  13. Ya-hwei Hsu 許雅惠,〈《宣和博古圖》的「間接」流傳-以元代賽因赤答忽墓出土的陶器與《紹熙州縣釋奠儀圖》為例 (The “indirect” transmission of the Xuanhe bogu tu: earthenware from the tomb of Saiyin chidahu and the Shaoxi zhouxian shidian yitu)〉,《國立臺灣大學美術史研究集刊》,第14期(2003),頁1-26。
  14. Huang, Shih-Shan Susan. ” Early Buddhist Illustrated Prints In Hangzhou”. In Knowledge and Text Production in an Age of Print: China, 900-1400, (Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill, 2011) doi:
  15. Glen Dudbridge, Lost Books of Medieval China (British Library, 2000)
  16. Denis Twitchett, Printing and Publishing in Medieval China, 1993.
  17. Lianbin Dai, “From Philology to Philosophy: Zhu Xi (1130 – 1200) as a Reader-Annotator.” In Canonical Texts and Scholarly Practices: A Global Comparative Approach, 136-63, eds. Anthony Grafton and Glenn W. Most. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
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  20. Lianbin Dai, “Household Publications in the Society of Ming Hangzhou.” In Imprimer sans profit? Le livre non commercial dans la chine impériale, 339-414, eds. Michela Bussotti and Jean Pierre Drège. Genève: Librairie Droz.
  21. Zhang, Yunshuang. “A Floating Studio: The Boat Space in Song Literary Culture.” Journal of Song-Yuan Studies 49 (2020): 207-237. doi:10.1353/sys.2020.0005.
  22. Zhang, Yunshuang. 試論宋代書齋空間的精神性建構 (“On the Intellectual Construction of the Space of the Studio in the Song Dynasty”). In Xingxiang shixue yanjiu 形象史學研究, ed. Institute of History in Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) (Beijing: renmin chubanshe, 2012), pp. 98–110.
  23. Zhang, Yunshuang. 論宋人的“書齋意趣”和宋詩的書齋意象 (“The Significance of the Studio for Song Literati and the Studio Image in Song Poetry”). Wenxue yichan 文學遺產 5 (2011): 65–73.
  24. Yunshuang Zhang, Porous Privacy: The Literati Studio and Spatiality in Song China (PhD Dissertation, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Los Angeles, 2017)
  25. 潘美月, 宋代私家藏書史. 新北市: 花木蘭文化, 2011.
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  27. Ebrey, Patricia Buckley. “Informing the Public in Song China.” Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies 79, no. 1 (2019): 189-229. doi:10.1353/jas.2019.0007.
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  32. De Weerdt Hilde (2016), Continuities between Scribal and Print Publishing in Twelfth-Century Song China–The Case of Wang Mingqing’s Serialized Notebooks, East Asian Publishing and Society 6: 54-83.
  33. De Weerdt Hilde & Chu Ming-kin (2016), Introduction, The Making of the Literati Notebook (9th-13th C), East Asian Publishing and Society 6: 1-4.
  34. De Weerdt Hilde (2015), Information, Territory, and Networks: The Crisis and Maintenance of Empire in Song China. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Asia Center.
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  36. De Weerdt H.G.D.G. (2009), Maps and Memory: Readings of Cartography in Twelfth- and Thirteenth- Century Song China, Imago Mundi 61(2): 145-167.
  37. De Weerdt Hilde (2007), The Discourse of Loss in Private and Court Book Collecting in Imperial China, Library Trends 55(3): 404-420.
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  39. De Weerdt Hilde (2006), What Did Su Che See in the North? Publishing Laws, State Security, and Political Culture in Song China, T’oung Pao: International Journal of Chinese Studies 92(4-5): 466-494.
  40. De Weerdt Hilde (1999), Canon Formation and Examination Culture: The Construction of Guwen and Daoxue Canons, Journal of Sung-Yuan Studies 29: 91-134.
  41. McDermott, Joseph P. A Social History of the Chinese Book: Books and Literati Culture in Late Imperial China. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2006.
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  43. Poon, Ming-sun. Books and Printing in Sung China, 960–1279. PhD diss., University of Chicago, 1979.
  44. Su Yongqiang 苏勇强. Bei Song shuji kanke yu guwen yundong (北宋书籍刊刻与古文运动). Hangzhou, China: Zhejiang Daxue Chubanshe, 2010.
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  49. Wang, Yugen. Ten Thousand Scrolls: Reading and Writing in the Poetics of Huang Tingjian and the Late Northern Song. Cambridge (Massachusetts); London: Harvard University Asia Center, 2011. (王宇根, 万卷: 黄庭坚和北宋晚期诗学中的阅读与写作 (生活·读书·新知三联书店, 2015))
  50. 黃寬重 串建歷史記憶 形塑家族傳承──以樓鑰及其族人的書畫文物蒐藏與書籍刊刻為例
  51. 許媛婷 南宋時期的出版市場與流通空間──從科舉用書及醫藥方書的出版談起
  52. 趙飛鵬 韓愈詩文在唐宋的整理刊行及其影響
  53. 尾崎康 宋代雕版印刷的發展
  54. 趙飛鵬,〈元代雙色印本《金剛經》相關問題考述〉,《成大中文學報》,第40期,頁99-126,2013年3月。
  55. 查屏球, 由《白氏文集》流传看抄印转换与文学发展的关系 北京大学学报(哲学社会科学版). 2021,58(03): 摘要:元、白在传播效应中看到了自身的价值,有意识利用石刻拓印、木板雕印等各种复制手段,提升传播效应。从九世纪中叶到十世纪末,书籍处于抄印并行阶段,印本生产以官方与寺院为主体,多为实用类或宗教类宣传品,文人别集以抄写为主,全集流传不广,文集的形态也不稳定。白居易在世时,流行于世的多为元和时形成的小集与元白唱和集,五十岁后的作品多不为人知。书籍生产商品化推进了印刷技术普及化,也带来了全集流行的时代,《白氏文集》初刊于宋初,是对多种抄本编辑的结果,固化了白集形态,与抄卷原始形态多有不同。印本降低了文集制作的成本,推动了私人全集的流行,改变了作者的创作观念与阅读者的批评理念。 关键词: 抄本;印本;抄印转化;《白氏文集》;
  56. 廖咸惠, 知識的分類與界定 —宋代士人與小道之學. 漢學研究 39卷2期 2021.06: 39-78.
  57. 王天然 《郡齋讀書志》成書重理.《文史》2021年第4輯(總第137輯):


52. Ronald Egan,“书籍的流通如何影响宋代文人对文体的观念 (Influences that the circulation of books had upon
Song literati thinking about texts). Songdai wenxue guoji yantao hui lunwenji 宋代文学国际研讨会论文
集, ed. Shen Songqin 沈松勤. Hangzhou: Zhejiang University Press, 2006. Pp. 98-114.

53. 陳學霖,<宋代書禁與邊防之關係>,《宋史論集》台北東大圖書公司,1993),頁175-209。

54. Ruth Yun-Ju Chen 陳韻如, “The Quest for Efficiency: Knowledge Management in Medical Formularies,” Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies 80.2 (2020): 347-380. doi:10.1353/jas.2020.0027.

55. 鹿憶鹿 劉辰翁評點本《山海經》考論 人文中國學報: 第三十三期 DOI:

56. Ruth Yun-Ju Chen, Good Formulas: Empirical Evidence in Mid-Imperial Chinese Medical Texts (University of Washington Press, 2023): “Why and how did the strategy of documenting medical practices through personal experience rise to prominence in China? This question is at the heart of Good Formulas, the first book-length study of the use of empirical evidence in Chinese medicine between the ninth and thirteenth centuries. The rise of this new approach to substantiating knowledge, which had appeared only sporadically in earlier medical literature, provides a window into transformations in the construction of textual authority in mid-imperial China. Focusing on medical genres and working extensively with notebooks (biji), Ruth Yun-Ju Chen shows that employing empirical evidence became prominent in conjunction with a publishing boom that enabled wider availability of medical texts and treatises. To convince a more socioculturally diverse readership to believe their claims and to win intertextual debates with contemporaneous authors, many Song medical authors turned to empirical methodology. Revealing a correlation between publishing cultures and changes in persuasion strategies in medical genres, Good Formulas offers new insights into the histories of medicine, knowledge production, and publishing in China. It also provides rich examples for scholars interested in the development of empirical evidence in the premodern world.”

57. 贾慧如《元代类书研究》人民出版社 2023-3

58. 张赟冰:纪事本末体源流新论 《文献》2023年第2期: 关于纪事本末体的渊源,历来聚讼纷纭,然既有诸说,实皆未得要领。宋人异口同声,将《通鉴纪事本末》称作类书,足证其编纂手法主要借鉴类书,某种意义上,可谓纪事本末体源出类书。盖自隋唐以降,类书的范围不断扩展,编纂手法日益丰富。宋人读书治学,应付科考,普遍借助类书之法。在此历史背景下,袁枢欲改编《通鉴》,使之易读,便自然而然地取法类书,同时又稍变分类标准,创造性地将同属一个事件的诸条归并为一类,使一事即为类书之一类,一类即如著述之一篇,从而无意间开创了纪事本末体。宋代以降,因各种复杂情由,纪事本末类著作在官私目录中从散入诸类到独立成类,纪事本末体逐渐被视作一种基本的史体,其源出类书的历史事实,因而幽隐难识。回顾、反思既往的研究理路,提醒我们在学术史的讨论中,须时时注意回归具体的历史情境,落实具体的历史联系。

59. Ya Zuo, “Collecting Tears: Lachrymation and Emotions in the Taiping Collectanea,” Oriens Extremus 59 (2022): 225–279.

60. 刘潇《宋代官刻书籍研究》河北大学出版社,2022年

61. Wenyi Chen 陳雯怡, “When Literati Beg: Informal, Voluntary, and Collective Support in Song and Yuan Presentation Prefaces,” Journal of Song-Yuan Studies 48 (2019): 139-171.

62. 馮國棟 宋代譯經制度新考 — 以宋代三部經錄為中心 中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊 90.1 (2019): 77-123.

63. 64. Charles Hartman, The Making of Song Dynasty History: Sources and Narratives, 960–1279 CE (Cambridge 2020)

64. 楊光, “宋末元初部分中興兩朝史著文本源流關係考——兼論南宋高孝兩朝 歷史知識在宋元之際的傳播” 中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊 第九十三本,第三分 2022, 595-641

65. Chen Liu 劉晨. “The Rise of Tiba 題跋 as a Literary Genre in Song China ” Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies, Volume 82, Number 2, December 2022, pp. 1-39

66. Christian Soffel: Publishing Strategies in the Early Fourteenth century: Yuan Jue’s Preface to Wang Yinglin’s Kunxue jiwen. In: Journal of Song-Yuan Studies, 2005, 59-77

67. 沈畅, 中国古代阅读史史料领域的新拓展——以元末陶宗仪的笔记杂说阅读策略为例 《北京社会科学》2023年第9期

68. 于兆军《宋代雕版印刷与文化》山西人民出版社,2023年10月

69. 杨 曦 以集为正:论宋人对苏轼作品文本歧异的认知与处理 北京大学学报(哲学社会科学版)2023年第6期

70. 管仁杰 庆元“禁书”对朱学影响之检视 史学月刊 2023第2 期 64-72.